Dzunisani Maluleke

Artist Name
Dzunisani Maluleke
Total number of artworks
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date of birth
About the Artist

Dzunisani Maluleke, born in 1986, has the distinct honor of being the first in his family to pursue a career in fine arts, a role that, within his family's cultural traditions, is revered as being divinely chosen. Demonstrating artistic prowess from a young age, Dzunisani faced the challenge of accessing art education, as local schools lacked such a program. Through the dedicated efforts of his mother and uncle, he was enrolled in Hanyani Thomo High School, which notably also educated the esteemed artist Phillemon Hlungwani. The influence of his art teacher, Moses Maluleke, and Hlungwani's legacy profoundly shaped Dzunisani's artistic journey.

Post-graduation in 2009, Dzunisani ventured to Johannesburg to undertake a three-year internship at the Artists Proof Studio, where he honed his skills in various printmaking techniques, including linocut, screen printing, dry point, and etching. During this period, he also contributed to the community by teaching children at Noah’s Ark and serving as an Assistant Curator.

Dzunisani's body of work is deeply personal, traversing two main themes: the exploration of growing up without a father's presence and the celebration of maternal strength in single-parent households. His earlier works serve as a cathartic expression of his father's absence, symbolized through the imagery of telephone towers and lines that dot his rural landscape drawings, signifying the complex relationship of presence and absence. This narrative evolved as Dzunisani chose to embrace life with positivity, shifting his focus to honor the resilience and dedication of his mother and all women who single-handedly nurture and sustain their families.

The emotional depth and universal resonance of Dzunisani's work not only reflect his personal journey but also connect with broader societal experiences, making his art a profound commentary on family dynamics and the enduring strength of maternal figures.