Favour Ritaro

The Distance between Yesterday and Tomorrow

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The Distance Between Yesterday and Tomorrow was curated by Favour Ritario in 2021. The exhibition explored the notions of African identity through the works of contemporary East African artists including Sungi Mlengeya, Tahir Carl Karmali, Lemek Tompoika, Eria Nsubuga Sane, Agnes Waruguru, Migadde Adrian, and Aloka Trevor. Favour Ritaro is a Nigerian curator whose research and curatorial work is focused on personal and cultural identities. She was the first ARAK Collection 2021 Curatorial Residency Fellowship Recipient. Exploring themes of memory, migration, place, and gender, the exhibition aims to dialogue with present-day events and past happenings in hopes of imagining alternative realities in the future. Working with various media, each artist in this exhibition dialogues with the complexities of the African identity, and challenges the preconceived notion of what it means to be African. The exhibition examines the multiple understanding of what it means to be African within historical and political context. The works are critical representations of current political and cultural realities