Feb 1, 2024
Jul 1, 2024


Art Writers Residency
Program Date
Feb 2024
Jul 2024

Trevor Mukholi is an independent curator, artist, and writer based in Kampala, Uganda. Mukholi’s artistic and curatorial practice is centered around facilitating inclusive and accessible cultural experiences. They aim to use artistic discourse for cultural innovation through research,partnerships, and collaboration. Mukholi has a Bachelor of Arts with Education; Languages, and Literature from Kyambogo University.

Some of Mukholi’s notable projects include:
“Look One” (2020): A curated exhibition at the Xenson Art Space in Kampala.
“Mbuuza” (2021): A showcase of research by the project “alternative archives'’ by development alternatives.
“Kipya Ki?” (2022): A collaboration between British Photography organization FORMAT andEast
African Photography organization FOTEA.
“FormFora” (2022): A platform for cultural discourse in the visual arts started by curator Trevor
Mukholi with support from Kuonyesha Art Fund.
We are looking forward to working with Trevor and through his gaze and art writing practice discover/rediscover the collection, hoping to bring to our audience in 2024 his exhibition and publish the respective catalogue.

Artwork’s Contributions
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