Mahmoud Al Sadeq

Artist Name
Mahmoud Al Sadeq
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About the Artist

Mahmoud Al Sadeq, an accomplished Sudanese sculptor and educator, began his formal education in art in 2006, earning a First Class Bachelor of Fine and Applied Arts in Sculpture from the College of Fine and Applied Arts at Sudan University for Science and Technology, Khartoum, Sudan. His commitment to furthering his skills and knowledge in the field of sculpture led him to participate in a Training Course in Stone Conservation at the National Museum in Khartoum in 2013, and he continued his graduate studies at the Sudan University for Science and Technology in 2016.

Since 2014, Al Sadeq has been imparting his knowledge and expertise to students as an instructor in the Sculpture and Drawing Departments at the College of Fine and Applied Arts, Sudan University of Science and Technology. In addition to his teaching role, he has also contributed to the restoration of sculptures at the National Museum in Khartoum and played a part in enhancing the standards of university staff at SUST.

Al Sadeq's artistic contributions have been showcased in various exhibitions both locally and internationally. Notable exhibitions include the Kandaka Pop-Up Lounge at the U.S. Embassy in Khartoum in 2018, the Afrabia Prize exhibitions in 2017 and 2016, and multiple group exhibitions that have highlighted his and his peers' field studies across Sudan.

His engagement with the art community extends beyond exhibitions to include participation in interviews and press articles that discuss his work and contributions to the art world in Sudan. Al Sadeq has also been involved in workshops and projects that address significant social issues, such as child recruitment in armed conflicts and sustainable development, showcasing his commitment to utilizing art as a medium for social change and awareness.

Through his diverse roles as an artist, educator, and activist, Mahmoud Al Sadeq plays a pivotal role in the Sudanese art scene, contributing to both the preservation of cultural heritage and the advancement of contemporary art practices in Sudan.