Samson Mnisi

Artist Name
Samson Mnisi
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About the Artist

Samson Mnisi, known as the "Rain Maker" from the translation of his late name, was born in 1971 in Lesotho and is now a prominent artist based in Soweto. His educational background in Fine Art and photography was cultivated at the FUBA Academy, setting the foundation for a distinguished career marked by numerous solo and group exhibitions both within South Africa and internationally.

Mnisi's work delves into the realm of abstract thought, employing patterns, lines, symbols, and color to craft a contemporary South African artistic language. His artistry extends beyond mere visual appeal, aligning with a deep-rooted tradition of celebrating divine human essence, from ancient rock art to modern expressions. Mnisi views his art as a form of alchemy, a transformative process capable of evoking and healing emotions, positioning his work as a vital conduit for emotional and spiritual exploration.