Sizwe Sibisi

Artist Name
Sizwe Sibisi
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date of birth
About the Artist

I am Sizwe Sibisi, a passionate visual artist hailing from Pietermaritzburg, Kwa-Zulu Natal. Born on April 11th, 33 years ago, my journey into the realm of art began at the tender age of 5, finding peace and solace in the world of sketching. My early years were marked by a constant companionship with my pencil crayons and drawing book, often leading to moments of mischief at school as I chose sketching over conventional lessons.

Following my matriculation, I delved deeper into the world of art, spending countless hours at my local library and the Tatham Art Gallery. It was there that I discovered and became captivated by the Post-Impressionists, who revealed to me the possibility of creating from the imagination, a notion that I found profoundly liberating.

In 2016, with aspirations to expand my horizons and further my artistic growth, I relocated to Johannesburg. The city's vibrant art scene, with its myriad galleries and creative spaces, inspired me to view art not merely as decorative but as a powerful tool for change and inspiration. This period of exploration led me to a significant shift in my artistic practice.

Venturing beyond traditional canvas, paint, and brushes, I embraced a new medium: fibre. My current technique involves meticulously sewing pieces of fabric onto cutouts, which are then affixed to a background fabric. This innovative approach is not only distinctive but also cost-effective, with materials sourced from generous friends and second-hand shops. Through my art, I aspire to challenge perceptions, evoke change, and inspire others, one stitch at a time.